UI Design


Mobile apps

Full Moon Brewing Co. (concept) 

Full Moon Brewing Co. is a mobile app concept meant to assist brewery patrons with ordering food and drinks — all from the comfort of their booth. Just open your app, find what you want, and pay for it right there. I’ve also added a breathalyzer feature (attachment required) to help patron gauge their ability to drive home safely.


MicroVision (Concept)

MicroVision is a portable microscope app concept meant to ultilize your phone as a cell image capturing and processing device. You just dock your phone on the apparatus, insert your slide under the lens and snap away.


Pet Portal (Concept)

PetPortal is a mobile app concept which gives pet owners an opportunity to check in on their pets while away from home. Take photos or video, dispense treats, and speak with your pets using the wi-fi-enabled hub.



CMR Event Registration Platform

At CMR, I was tasked with a full UX/UI update on an old (but impressively functional) online registration platform. The goal here was to create a beautiful, lightweight, modern web experience so conference attendees could navigate registration and checkout with ease.


GiveMore — a fundraising platform

Developed by Nathan Gustafson and Krell, GiveMore takes social giving to the next level. This innovative platform helps individuals and organizations raise funds more effectively by providing tools and services that enable charitable giving, matching donations, and the socialization of causes.


Fieldwork Project

Developed by Blackwell Data, Fieldwork Project software aims to support Youth Corps organizations by pulling all their project data (contact, agreements, work records, scheduling, and notes) into a single, cloud-based repository to save users the time and frustration spent fumbling with manual and disparate systems.